Friday, July 15, 2011

A quick update

So yeah, I haven't reviewed anything in a long time. For the probably 2 people out there who read my reviews, I just figured I'd say something. Mostly it's cause I've not made good progress in anything. Haven't been watching anime lately, playing games that I haven't completed, don't feel substantial enough to review, or just can't really be completed (Civ 5). That and I personally felt my latest reviews weren't anything spectacular - I have no idea what other people think. It can be a bit tough to review positively and entertainingly, since there's not much material. I've been trying to kick things around in my head for what I could do to get some nice new energy into them, but I haven't thought of much yet. There's always the option of doing more of the same and trying to get it to work well again. I also thought of trying something new to get fresh blood pumping, like a massive Doctor Who (2005) retrospective, reviewing each episode, as that's another one of my loves. So yeah, hopefully I can get this rolling again, but I need some kind of spark.